2018 retreats in our parent temple : La Gendronnière (France near Blois)

Once again this year the zen practitioners from Ryumonji will go to the temple La Gendronnière at various times for zen retreats. This temple, in the centre of France was founded by the japanese master Taisen Deshimaru. Situated in the heart of a magnificent forest it is both a meeting place for the various sanghas and an international practice place. Below you can discover the retreats where we will be attending :


Whole Sangha Sesshin - NEW !

From the 28th of april to the 1st of may - retreat directed by Roland Yuno Rech


This year, for the first time, we are offering a very special sesshin at the zen temple la Gendronnière : the Whole Sangha Sesshin, from the 28th of april to the 1st of may
An exceptional sesshin for various reasons :

  • -Most of the AZI masters and their disciples will be present.
  • - The annual General Assembly will take place.
  • - But about all we can pay hommage - all together - to our founder Master Deshimaru (passed on in april 1982) and meet together in memory of him.


So this is a new meeting of the Whole Sangha we have initiated this year! We will be happy to be  all together again at la Gendronnière on this occasion.


For regular practitioners it is possible to come as an assistant. Please request information from the temple secretariat. info@meditation-zen.org


Flyer to download HERE.



The first sesshin in august, led by master Wang-Genh

From the 1st to the 9th of august ( 2pm )

This month master Wang Genh will teach during the 9 day retreat organised at la Gendronnière. Numerous other buddhist masters will also teach during this retreat which will be an exceptionel occasion. Various ways of participating are available ... Download the flyer


The typical program of a 9 day retreat at La Gendronnière :


The first five days are called preparation. They allow us to restore a spiritual meaning to all our daily actions : zazen, the ceremonies, samou (work for the community), meals taken in silence as well as all the usual tasks of daily life. Teisho (teachings) are given by zen masters and initiation and instruction in the dojo help to deepen different aspects of the practice (posture, rules, sounds and conduct of ceremonies) Following a rest day there are three days of sesshin during which the teaching is centred on zazen with four meditation sessions per day.




Rates are various depending on :

- accomodation type (tent, dormitory, single room)

- the period chosen : you can come for the whole period, for just the preparation part or just the sesshin.


You will find all the rates in the flyer HERE




If you have attended several sesshins or a long stay at Ryumonji during the summer, you may (under certain conditions) be eligible for the "assistant" rate. Warning! You will need to arrive a day early, leave a day late and be very involved in the various samous. More information is available from the secretariat info@meditation-zen.org


Reservation :




Temple zen de La Gendronnière

Fondé par maître Taisen Deshimaru Roshi

41120 Valaire


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