Kesa Sewing 31 January - 2 February
One of the traditional practices of Soto Zen Buddhism is the sewing of the kesa, a garment identical to the one worn by Shakyamuni Buddha 2500 years ago. He had gathered pieces of cloth from various sources to form a long robe and cover his body. This tradition has been passed down from master to disciple through the ages in a spirit of simplicity and deep faith.
The kesa exists in a smaller version, the rakusu: worn on a daily basis, it reminds the practitioner of his or her commitment to the Zen path.
During the sewing weekends, everybody has the possibility to learn the rules for assembling these garments, to discover a peaceful and concentrated form of work and to develop qualities of patience and perseverance. Each stitch like a grain of rice, the work like a rice field, and the teaching of the monks and nuns like the water irrigating the whole.
The necessary materials will be at your disposal: black cloth, needles, thread, silk, etc.
The workshop will take place from 31 January to 2 February. Arrival will be on Thursday 30 January at 5pm (dinner at 20:30). Departure will be after lunch on the last day.
(Teaching, accommodation and meals included)
- Full retreat: 210 € / 125 € (for students and job seekers). For those who wish to start sewing rakusu, please allow 20€ (check or cash) for the sewing kit.
To participate in the activities of the monastery, you must be a member of the Association of the Zen Temple of Weiterswiller. Annual fee: 15 €.
INFORMATION : The Community of Communes of Hanau La Petite Pierre has introduced a tourist tax on the territory to contribute to the development of tourism activities. This tourist tax is applicable from May 1st 2022 at a rate of 80 cents per person per night (to pay in addition to the sesshin).
To register, please send an email to info@mediation-zen.org
IMPORTANT - please take note of :
- membership conditions
- what to bring with you
- access to the temple (by train or car)
- the possibility of car pooling
By logging on to the :
As a participant, we offer you the opportunity to organise car pooling so that you can share the cost while reducing your carbon footprint. And all this while sharing a moment of conviviality with other retreatants :)